Jun.-Prof. Dr. Caroline Lassueur

Juniorprofessur für Darstellungstheorie (Junior Professorship for Representation Theory)
→ Part of the Research Group Representation Theory lead by Prof. Dr. Gunter Malle.
→ Member of the DFG SFB-TRR 195 "Symbolic Tools in Mathematics and their Application".

ORCiD ORCiD, arXiv arXiv, MathSciNet MathSciNet, Genealogy zbMATH , Genealogy MGP , Google Scholar GoogleScholar

Co-authors: Bernhard Böhmler, Niamh Farrell, Gerhard Hiß, Shigeo Koshitani, Gunter Malle, Nadia Mazza, John Murray, Benjamin Sambale, Elisabeth Schulte, Jacques Thévenaz

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Jun.-Prof. Dr.
Caroline Lassueur
Fachbereich Mathematik
Rheinland-Pfälzische Technische Universität

Postfach 3049
D-67653 Kaiserslautern

Büro. Gebäude 48, Raum 409
Tel. +49 (0)631 205 2515

Guest Seminar Groups and Representations

When: Thursdays, 17:00-18:00
Where: 48-436
Programme: Summer Semester 2024

Oberseminar SS 2024

Students are welcome to take part in our Oberseminars [KIS]. They can be validated for seminar credit points.

When: Mondays, 15:30-17:00
Where: 48-438
Subject: Selected topics in modular representation Theory
Registration: Get in touch with us prior to the start of the semester.

AG Darstellungstheorie

