Caroline Lassueur

Co-authors: Bernhard Böhmler, Niamh Farrell, Gerhard Hiß, Shigeo Koshitani, Gunter Malle, Nadia Mazza, John Murray, Benjamin Sambale, Elisabeth Schulte, Jacques Thévenaz
Recent/Upcoming Events:
- Sept 2024: I am co-organising the Meeting Representation Theory at the Villa Denis 2024
- 2nd of July 2024: Felix-Klein-Colloquium talk by Pierre-Emmanuel Caprace
- June 2024: Sam Miller is visiting our working group
- 8th of June: Tag der Mathematik 2024 at the RPTU in Kaiserslautern
- May 2024: 1st in the Women's Team Ranking with the Team RPTU at the B2Run Firmenlauf 2024
- Feb 2024: I was at the Darstellungstheorietage 2023 (!!)
- Dec 2023: I was at the Nikolaus Conference 2023
- Oct 2023: I co-organised the meeting Representation Theory at the Villa Denis 2023
- WS 2023/24: On leave for the purpose of a Substitute Professorship at the Leibniz Universität Hannover
- Sep 2023: Bernhard Böhmler defended his doctoral thesis successfully
- Dec 2025: Talk at ARTIG 7, TU München
- Sep 2025: Talk at the The Annual ÖMG-DMV Meeting 2025, Linz
- Feb 2025: Talk at the Darstellungstheorietage 2024 (!), Stuttgart
- Dec 2024: Talk at the Nikolaus Conference 2024, RWTH Aachen
- Nov 2024: Norddeutsches Gruppentheorie-Kolloquium 2024, TU Dresden
- Jul 2024: Ringvorlesung, RPTU Kaiserslautern-Landau
- Jan 2024: Oberseminar zur Algebra und Algebraischen Kombinatorik, Leibniz Universität Hannover
- Sep 2023: Algebra and Number Theory in Conversation, University of Manchester
- Apr 23: Meeting Representation Theory of Finite Groups at the MFO
Academic year 2022-2023
Academic year 2021-2022
Academic year 2020-2021
Older academic events
- Jul 2023: John Murray is visiting us
- Jun 2023: Shigeo Koshitani is visiting us
- Apr 2023: Workshop Representations of Finite Groups at the MFO.
- 7th Feb 2023: Kathryn Hess Bellwald is invited to talk in the Felix-Klein-Kolloquium
- Feb 2023: talk at Algebra Seminars at Bilkent University
- Feb 2023: talk at the Colloque tournant du GDR TLAG, Université de Reims (FR)
- Dec 2022: talk at the Seminars in Algebra at Mindanao State University - Iligan Institute of Technology (MSU-IIT)
- Dec 2022: talk at the Nikolauskonferenz 2022, RWTH Aachen
- Nov 2022: Gerhard Hiss is visiting us.
- Oct 2022: The Representation Theory Days 2022 took place at the TU Kaiserslautern
- Sept 2022: Representation Theory at the Villa Denis 2022
- Sept 2022: talk at the 2nd SFB/TRR 195 Annual Meeting, Tübingen
- Sept 2022: Invited Summer School Lecture Modular Representation Theory of Finite Groups at the IKIU Summer School on group representation theory [Lecture Notes and Handouts]
Academic year 2021-2022
- Aug 2022: Talk at the Workshop Structure of Group Algebras over Local Rings, Ambleside (UK)
- July 2022: Michael Geline is visiting us.
- Jun 2022: Talk at Techniques fonctorielles en théorie des groups, Amiens [SLIDES]
- May/Jul 2022: Programme Participant in the Programme Groups, Representations, and Applications: New Perspectives held at the Newton Institute, Cambridge.
- Apr-Jun 2022: Guest seminar "Gruppen und Darstellungen" in presence in Kaiserslautern
- Jan/Feb 2022: Guest seminar Kaiserslautern-Aachen "Gruppen und Darstellungen" with a series of 8 virtual talks
Academic year 2020-2021
- Dec 2021: We organise the Darstellungstheorietage directly followed by the Nikolaus Conference at the RWTH Aachen.
- Winter semester 20/21: ON LEAVE for the purpose of an interim professorship for Algebra und Number Theory at the RWTH Aachen University
- September 2021: Summer School Lecture "Introduction to the Modular Representation Theory of Finite Groups" at the Young Algebraists´ Conference 2021
- Winter semester 20/21 Bernhard Böhmler is visiting Robert Boltje at UC Santa Cruz with a DAAD fellowship for doctoral students.
Older academic events
- July 2021: Two Days of Representation Theory at the Villa Denis [Photos].
- Apr-Jun 2021: 8 virtual talks scheduled in our guest seminar "Gruppen und Darstellungen"
- March 2021: two-week research stay at the MFO. Oberwolfach Research Fellowship obtained together with Niamh Farrell.
- Jan/Feb 2021: our guest seminar "Gruppen und Darstellungen" starts again with a series of 6 virtual talks
- December 2020: Talk at the Virtual Nikolaus Conference 2020
- September 2020: Two Days of Representation Theory at the Villa Denis. [Pictures]
- April 2020: the Felix-Klein-Kolloquium Talk by Kathryn Hess Bellwald is postponed
- Representations of Finite Groups: Explicit, Canonical and Functorial, Istanbul, Aug. 2020. Postponed!
- June 2020: 10 years ago...
- Jan-May 2020: Research Semester
Groups, representations and applications: new perspectives at the Newton Institute in Cambridge - Oct 2019: Representation Theory at the Villa Denis 2019
- Nov 2019: Shigeo Koshitani is visiting us
- Dec 2019: Nikolauskonferenz 2019, RWTH Aachen
- Dec 2019: Women in algebra and symbolic computations
- Dec 2019: Robert Boltje is visiting us
Publications and Preprints
Submitted / Preprints
Other Documents:
- On the source algebra equivalence class of blocks with cyclic defect groups, Part II,
(with G. Hiß)
[arXiv] - Trivial source character tables of Frobenius groups of type \((C_p\times C_p)\rtimes H\),
(with B. Böhmler)
- The self-dual indecomposable modules in blocks with cyclic defect groups,
(with J. Murray)
To appear in Adv. Group Theory Appl. [arXiv]
- Principal \(2\)-blocks with wreathed defect groups up to splendid Morita equivalence,
(with S. Koshitani and B. Sambale)
Annals of Representation Theory 1 no. 3 (2024), 439–463
[doi | arXiv] - On the source algebra equivalence class of blocks with cyclic defect groups, Part I,
(with G. Hiß)
Beitr. Algebra Geom. 65 (2024), 187-207. [doi | arXiv | Preprint] - A tour of \(p\)-permutation modules and related classes of modules,
Jahresber. Dtsch. Math.-Ver. 125 (2023), 137-189. [doi | preprint] - Trivial source character tables of \(SL_2(q)\), Part II,
(with N. Farrell)
Proc. Edinburgh Math. Soc. 66 (2023), 689-709. [doi | arXiv] - Trivial source endo-trivial modules for groups with semi-dihedral Sylow 2-subgroups,
(with S. Koshitani)
Beitr. Algebra Geom. 66 (2022), 233–246. [doi | arXiv | preprint] - Trivial source character tables of \(SL_2(q)\), Part I,
(with B. Böhmler and N. Farrell)
J. Algebra 598 (2022), 308-350. [doi | arXiv | Oberwolfach Preprint] - Splendid Morita equivalences for principal blocks with semi-dihedral defect groups,
(with S. Koshitani and B. Sambale)
Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 150 (2022), 41-53. [doi |arXiv | preprint] - The classification of the trivial source modules in blocks with cyclic defect groups,
(with G. Hiß)
Algebr. Represent. Theory 24 (2021), 673–698. [doi | arXiv | Preprint] - Trivial source characters in blocks with cyclic defect groups,
(with S. Koshitani)
J. Algebra 574 (2021), 375-408. [doi | arXiv | preprint] - Splendid Morita equivalences for principal \(2\)-blocks with generalised quaternion defect groups,
(with S. Koshitani)
J. Algebra 558 (2020), 523-533. Special issue in honour of Michel Broué. [doi | arXiv | Preprint] - Splendid Morita equivalences for principal \(2\)-blocks with dihedral defect groups,
(with S. Koshitani)
Math. Z. 294 (2020), 639–666. [doi | arXiv | Preprint] - Simple modules in the Auslander-Reiten quiver of principal blocks with abelian defect groups,
(with S. Koshitani)
Nagoya Math. J. 235 (2019), 58–85. [doi | arXiv | .pdf] - On the lifting of the Dade group,
(with J. Thévenaz)
J. Group Theory 22 (2019), 441–451. [doi | arXiv | infoscience] - Lifting endo-\(p\)-permutation modules,
(with J. Thévenaz)
Archiv Math. 110 (2018), 205–212 [doi | arXiv | .pdf] - Endo-trivial modules: a reduction to \(p'\)-central extensions,
(with J. Thévenaz)
Pacific J. Math. 287 (2017), 423–438. [doi | infoscience] - Universal \(p'\)-central extensions,
(with J. Thévenaz)
Expo. Math. 35 (2017), 237–251 [doi | infoscience | .pdf] - Endo-trivial modules for finite groups with dihedral Sylow 2-subgroups
(with S. Koshitani)
J. Group Theory 19 (2016), 635–660. [doi | arXiv] - Simple endotrivial modules for quasi-simple groups,
(with G. Malle and E. Schulte)
J. reine angew. Math. 712 (2016), 141–174. [doi | arXiv | .dvi] - Endotrivial modules for the Schur covers of the symmetric and alternating groups,
(with N. Mazza)
Algebr. Represent. Theory. 18 (2015), 1321-1335. [doi | arXiv] - Simple endotrivial modules for the linear, unitary and exceptional groups,
(with G. Malle)
Math. Z. 280 (2015),1047–1074. [doi | arXiv] - Endo-trivial modules for finite groups with Klein-four Sylow 2-subgroups,
(with S. Koshitani)
Manuscripta Math. 148 (2015),265–282. [doi | arXiv] - Endotrivial modules for the sporadic groups and their covers,
(with N. Mazza)
J. Pure Appl. Algebra. 219 (2015), 4203–4228. [doi | arXiv | .pdf] - Endo-\(p\)-permutation modules and relative endotrivial modules in the Auslander-Reiten quiver,
J. Algebra 420 (2014), 1–14. [doi] - The Dade group of a finite group,
J. Pure Appl. Algebra 217 (2013), 97–113. [doi | infoscience | .pdf] - Relative projectivity and relative endotrivial modules,
J. Algebra, Vol. 337(2011), 285–317. [doi | infoscience | .pdf]
Other Documents:
- On the source-algebra equivalence class of blocks with cyclic defect groups, Oberwolfach Rep. 19 (2023), Representations of Finite Groups 2023 [doi]
- Trivial source character tables of \(SL_2(q)\),
(with B. Böhmler and N. Farrell), Oberwolfach Preprint - On the Lifting of the Dade group and Consequences, Oberwolfach Rep. 16 (2019), Meeting Representations of Finite Groups [doi]
- Reading endo-trivial modules from the Brauer tree, RIMS Kôkyûroku No. 1926. Proceedings of the Symposium Research on Finite Groups and their Representations, Vertex Operator Algebras, and Algebraic Combinatorics, March 2014. [www]
- Relative Projectivity and Relative Endo-trivial Modules, Doctoral Thesis
[Thèse EPFL no 5266 | DOI:10.5075/epfl-thesis-5266 | infoscience | .pdf]
Private Defence: 09.12.2011, Public Defence: 23.03.2012 [Invitation] - The \(p\)-local splitting of the infinite complex projective space and co-H-structures, Master Thesis, Mar. 2007, Supervision: Prof. Dr. Birgit Richter (Universität Hamburg) [.pdf / poster]
Talks [+]
Places where I gave talks
- ARTIG 7, TU München, Dec 2025
- Annual ÖMG-DMV Meeting 2025, Linz, Sep 2025
- Darstellungstheorietage 2024 (!), Stuttgart, Feb 2025
- Nikolaus Conference 2024, RWTH Aachen, Dec 2024
- Norddeutsches Gruppentheorie-Kolloquium 2024, TU Dresden, Nov 2024
- Ringvorlesung, RPTU Kaiserslautern-Landau, Jul 2024
- Oberseminar zur Algebra und Algebraischen Kombinatorik, Leibniz Universität Hannover, Jan 2024
- Algebra and Number Theory in Conversation, University of Manchester, Sep 2023
- Meeting Representation Theory of Finite Groups at the MFO, Apr 2023
- Algebra Seminars at Bilkent University, Feb 2023
- Colloque tournant du GDR TLAG, Université de Reims (FR), Feb 2023
- Seminars in Algebra, Mindanao State University, Iligan Institute of Technology, Dec 2022
- Nikolauskonferenz 2022, RWTH Aachen, Dec 2022
- Representation Theory at the Villa Denis 2022, TU Kaiserslautern, Sept 2022
- 2nd annual meeting of the DFG SFB-TRR 195, Tübingen, Sept. 2022
- Summer School on the Representation Theory of Finite Groups, Imam Khomeini International University, Qazvin, Iran, Sept 2022
- Workshop Structure of Group Algebras over Local Rings, Ambleside, Aug 2022
- Méthodes fonctorielles en théorie des groupes, Amiens, Jun 2022
- Workshop Counting Conjectures and Beyond, Isaac Newton Institute, Cambridge, May 2022
- Department of Mathematics & Statistics Colloquium, Maynooth University, April 2022
- Groups in Galway, Galway, Dec. 2021
- Algebra and Symbolic Computations II, Bad Dürkheim, Nov. 2021 [SLIDES]
- Algebra and Number Theory Seminar, UC Santa Cruz, Nov. 2021
- Invited Lecture "Introduction to the Modular Representation Theory of Finite Groups" at the Young Algebraists´Conference 2021, Sept. 2021
- Representation Theory at the Villa Denis 2021, TU Kaiserslautern, July 2021.
- Ringvorlesung, TU Kaiserslautern, July 2021.
- Virtual Algebra Seminar, University of Manchester, May 2021.
- Nikolauskonferenz 2020 (virtual blackboard talk), RWTH Aachen, Dec. 2020.
- Departmental Colloquium of the NIU Department of Mathematical Sciences (virtual slide talk), Northern Illinois University, Nov. 2020.
- Representation Theory at the Villa Denis 2020, TU Kaiserslautern, Sept. 2020. [Photos]
- Departmental Colloquium (virtual) RWTH Aachen, Jul. 2020.
- Representations of Finite Groups: Explicit, Canonical and Functorial, Istanbul, Aug. 2020. (POSTPONED)
- Nikolauskonferenz 2019, RWTH Aachen, Dec. 2019.
- Séminaire de théorie des groupes, Amiens, Sept. 2019.
- NDGK, Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg, Jun. 2019.
- Antalya Algebra Days 2019, Nesin Mathematical Village, Izmir, Turkey, May 2019. [Photo]
- Workshop Representations of Finite Groups, MFO, Oberwolfach, Mar. 2019.
- Darstellungstheorietage 2018, Hannover, Sept. 2018.
- Ringvorlesungen, TU Kaiserslautern, 28. Juni 2018.
- Oberseminar zur Algebra und Algebraischen Kombinatorik, Hannover, Jan. 2018.
- Nikolauskonferenz 2017, RWTH Aachen, Dec. 2017.
- Seminar Groups and Representation Theory, TU Kaiserslautern, Nov. 2017.
- Conference New Perspectives in Representation Theory of Finite Groups, BIRS (Banff), Oct. 2017.
- First annual meeting of the DFG collaborative research center SFB-TRR 195, Aachen, Sept. 2017.
- Conference Algebraic Topology and Representation Theory (ATRT), Lille, Jun. 2017.
- Conference Finite simple groups, their fusion systems and representations, EPFL-CIB, Ecublens, Dec. 2016.
- 5th International Congress on Mathematical Software (ICMS), Berlin, Jul. 11-14 2016.
- Algebra and Geometry Seminar, Bristol, Apr. 2016.
- Oberseminar Darstellungstheorie, Bergische Universität Wuppertal, Jan. 2016.
- "Endo-trivial modules and quotients modulo normal \(p'\)-subgroups", Darstellungstheorietage, Stuttgart, Nov. 2015.
- "Answering a question of Koshitani-Külshammer-Sambale on the Loewy length of blocks" Conference Functorial Methods in Representation Theory, EPFL Ecublens, Sept. 2015.
- "Character theory for endotrivial modules", Nikolauskonferenz, Aachen, Dec. 2014.
- "Character theory for endotrivial modules", Algebra-Seminar Halle-Jena, Universität Halle-Wittemberg, November 2014.
- Séminaire de géométrie, Université de Fribourg, Mar. 2014.
- "Théorie des caractères pour les modules endo-triviaux", Séminaire de théorie des groupes, EPFL, March. 2014.
- "A survey on endo-permutation modules and related classes of modules", Tokyo Japan, March 2014.
- "Reading endo-trivial modules from the Brauer tree", RIMS Symposium Research on Finite Groups and their Representations, Vertex Operator Algebras, and Algebraic Combinatorics, March 2014
- "The position of endo-p-permutation modules and relatives in the AR-quiver", TU Kaiserslautern, Jan. 2014.
- "On simple endo-trivial modules", Nikolauskonferenz, Aachen, Dec. 2013.
- "Reading Endo-trivial modules on the Brauer tree", Birmingham (UK), Oct. 2013.
- "Simple endo-trivial modules for quasi-simple groups", TU Kaiserslautern, Jul. 2013.
- "Le groupe de Dade d'un groupe fini", Séminaire Chevalley, Paris (FR), Jun. 2013.
- "Modules endo-triviaux simples pour les groupes quasi-simples", Amiens (FR), Jun. 2013.
- "Reading simple endo-trivial modules on the Brauer tree", ARTY conference, Friedrich-Alexander-University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, Mai. 2013.
- "Reading simple endo-trivial modules on the Brauer tree", Oberseminar, Jena, Mai. 2013.
- "Balmer's support for relative triangulated categories", Workshop on triangulated categories, EPFL, Feb. 2013.
- "Balmer's support for relative triangulated categories over cyclic p-groups", Nikolauskonferenz 2012, Aachen, Dec. 2012.
- "Endo-permutation modules and the Dade group of a finite group", TU Kaiserslautern, Oct. 2012.
- "Modules via diagrams", 9th Swiss Graduate Colloquium, Neuchatel, Jun. 2012.
- "Le groupe de Dade d'un groupe fini", Séminaire de théorie des groupes, Amiens (FR), Jun. 2012.
- "Coends and the Bousfield-Kan explicit approach", Workshop on homotopy colimits, EPFL, Feb. 2012.
- "The Dade Group of a finite group", Séminaire de théorie des groupes, EPFL, Nov. 2011.
- "Why is there a $k$ summand in the endomorphisms of an endotrivial module ", Séminaire de théorie des groupes, EPFL, Nov. 2011.
- "From relative projectivity to the Dade Group of a finite group", Geometric presentations of finite and infinite groups, Birmingham (UK), Jul. 2011.
- "From relative projectivity to the Dade Group of a finite group", 13th Postgraduate Group Theory Conference, Aberdeen (UK), Jun. 2011.
- "Introduction aux Représentations des Groupes et variété de modules", Master Seminar, EPFL, Dec. 2010.
- "Endo-trivial Modules and Relatives, part II", Group Theory Seminar, EPFL, Sept. 2010.
- "Recovering a Group Scheme from its Representations", Tannakian Categories Workshop, EPFL, Jul. 2010.
- "Endo-trivial Modules and Relatives, part I", Group Theory Seminar, EPFL, Jun. 2010.
- "Endo-trivial Modules and Relatives", 7th Graduate Colloquium, Geneva, Feb. 2010.
- "Finite/Compact non commutative groups with Haar measures", Group Theory Seminar, May 09.
- "Hopf Algebras according to Milnor and Moore, and more", Group Theory Seminar, Sept. 08.
- "\(p\)-localizations of the infinite complexe projective space and co-H-structure", Topology Seminar, March 07.
Doctoral Students [+]
→ Bernhard Böhmler [Aug 2018 - Aug 2024 | DOI | Poster (Nov. 2019)]
Thesis: Trivial source character tables of small finite groups
Thesis: Trivial source character tables of small finite groups
Looking for trivial source modules?
A version zero of a database of trivial source modules can be found here:
Database of trivial source modules, preliminary version