Caroline Lassueur

ORCiD ORCiD, arXiv arXiv, MathSciNet MathSciNet, Genealogy zbMATH , Genealogy MGP , Google Scholar GoogleScholar

Co-authors: Bernhard Böhmler, Niamh Farrell, Gerhard Hiß, Shigeo Koshitani, Gunter Malle, Nadia Mazza, John Murray, Benjamin Sambale, Elisabeth Schulte, Jacques Thévenaz

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Verw. Prof. Dr.
Caroline Lassueur
Encrypted Address

Office. Building 1101, Room A412
Tel. +49 (0)511 762 3294

Guest Seminar Groups and Representations

Between the WS 2014/15 and the SS 2024 I co-organised the Guest Seminar Groups and Representations for the Representation Theory Group at the TU Kaiserslautern, resp. RPTU Kaiserslautern-Landau.

Programme: WS 2013/14 to SS 2024

"Oberseminar" Representation Theory

This Seminar is the regular reading seminar of the working group Representation Theory at the RPTU KL-LD.

Target audience: postdocs and doctoral students of the working group. Master students can validate it for a Seminarschein, provided they give at least one talk and attend all other talks. In the KIS system, it is called "Seminar Represenation Theory" in the Summer Semester and "Seminar Representation Theory of Groups of Lie Type" in the Winter Semester. Can be validated by M.Sc. students for Seminar Credit Points.

Programmme: WS 2012/13 to SS 2024
