Mathematical Events Organised


Meeting Representation Theory at the Villa Denis

This short meeting – orgnised on a yearly basis since 2019 in the Conference Center Villa Denis of the RPTU Kaiserslautern-Landau – aims at bringing together the representation theorists of the SFB TRR 195, as well as other working groups in this area in Germany, and Europe. In order to favour exchanges between all participants, it has traditionally been limited to 18 participants.
Villa Denis Photo by C. Lassueur 2024: Sept 27/28
2023: Oct 6/7
2022: Sept 30/Oct 1
2021: Jul 15/16
2020: Sept 17/18
2019: Oct 15
Organisation:  Caroline Lassueur, Gunter Malle.
Financial Support: SFB TRR 195, RPTU Kaiserslautern-Landau

Further Conferences

Darstellungstheorietage 2022 [+]
[TU Kaiserslautern, Oct. 28 - 29, 2022]
[Organisation:  Caroline Lassueur, Gunter Malle]

Representation Theory in Kaiserslautern [+]
[TU Kaiserslautern, Jul. 13 - 14, 2017]
[Financial Support: SFB TRR 195, TU Kaiserslautern]
[Organisation:  Olivier Dudas [Univ. Paris-Diderot], Caroline Lassueur [TU Kaiserslautern], Alessandro Paolini [TU Kaiserslautern]]

Small Workshop: Endo-\(p\)-permutation and trivial source modules in the representation theory of finite groups [+]
[CIB, Aug. 29 - Sept. 2, 2016]
[Financial Support: TU Nachwuchsring, FNS, Schneider Stiftung]
[Organisation:  Caroline Lassueur [TU Kaiserslautern]]

I also produced the poster and the webpage of the following:

June 22 - 25, 2010 : Group Representation Theory and Related Topics
Conference honoring Prof. J. Thévenaz on his 60th birthday.
[EPFL, Ecublens (Lausanne), Suisse |]
[Organizers: J. Carlson (Athens), N. Mazza (Lancaster), R. Stancu (Picardie), D. Testerman (EPFL)]

Conferences for Young Researchers

Young Algebraists' Conference 2014
[EPF Lausanne, Switzerland, June 9-13, 2014]
[Summer School Speakers: Tim Burness [Bristol], Steve Donkin [York], Olivier Dudas [Paris Diderot]
[Scientific Advisor: Donna Testerman [EPFL]]
[Organisation:  Rosalie Chevalley [EPFL], Caroline Lassueur [TU Kaiserslautern]]

Young Algebraists' Conference 2012
[EPF Lausanne, Ecublens, Switzerland, June 11 to June 15, 2012 | webpage]
[Summer School Speakers: R. Kessar (Aberdeen), G. Malle (Kaiserslautern)]
[Organisation: Caroline Lassueur, Iulian Ion Simion]

February 17 & 18, 2011: 7th Swiss Graduate Colloquium
[EPF Lausanne, Ecublens, Switzerland | Room MA30 | Colloquium webpage]
[Organizers: C. Lassueur (EPFL) and D. Moldovan (EPFL)]
The colloquium is an activity of the Swiss Doctoral Program in Mathematics

Seminar Groups and Representations

Between the WS 2014/15 and the SS 2024 I co-organised the Guest Seminar Groups and Representations for the Representation Theory Group at the TU Kaiserslautern, resp. RPTU Kaiserslautern-Landau.

Programme: WS 2013/14 to SS 2024

"Oberseminar" Representation Theory

This Seminar is the regular reading seminar of the working group Representation Theory at the RPTU KL-LD.

Target audience: postdocs and doctoral students of the working group. Master students can validate it for a Seminarschein, provided they give at least one talk and attend all other talks. In the KIS system, it is called "Seminar Represenation Theory" in the Summer Semester and "Seminar Representation Theory of Groups of Lie Type" in the Winter Semester. Can be validated by M.Sc. students for Seminar Credit Points.

Programme SS24: Brauer Tree Algebras
Previous semesters: WS12/13 to SS24